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Q: What do comet goldfish eggs look like?
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How do you know if a comet goldfish is a female or male?

you look at its bits

What do fantail goldfish eggs look like?

Fantail goldfish eggs are adhesive and attach to aquatic vegetation. The eggs are light brown, transparent, and round. They normally hatch within 48 to 72 hours.

What do infertile goldfish eggs look like?

the grow a white/green mosk around the egg

How long will a pond goldfish stay with her eggs?

Goldfish will start to eat their eggs once they have finished spawning them. They do not look after their eggs at all.

What color do females goldfish look like?

It depends on what kind of goldfish; normally, you just have to wait to see who lays the eggs to find out the sex of your fish.

How Do Male Goldfish Look?

A lot like female goldfish, actually. Seriously, I don't believe there are any visual differences in basic goldfish genders.

Can the eggs of the goldfish survive without the mom?

Goldfish do not look after their eggs or babies. They will eat their eggs if they can find them so the breeders should be removed once spawning has finished.

What does the female goldfish look like?

Like goldfish

What makes a comet look like a comet?

by its shiny blue trail.

What does Halley's comet look like?

Halleys Comet is a most pretty thing i have seen.

Why does a certain person at school look like a goldfish?

because it is a goldfish stupid

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