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They do not look for anything exept for if a person is saved. but they can not hurt you if you are. the devil asks permission beforee he can do anything bad They do not look for anything exept for if a person is saved. but they can not hurt you if you are. the devil asks permission beforee he can do anything bad

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Q: What do demons look for in a person?
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It is not wrong as Jesus spoke to the person who had demons in him. And commanded them to leave him.

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Beliefs about the presence of demons and angels on Earth vary among different cultures and religions. Some believe that these beings can take human form while others see them as spiritual entities that are not visible in physical form. Ultimately, the existence and appearance of demons and angels are matters of personal belief and interpretation.

What does a demon do to a person?

Demons are usually said to posess and influence the actions of a person for evil intentions.

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SatanLilithBelialBeelzebubAzazelLuciferSamaelAbaddonLeviathanthese are the names of satans demons

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because it a deaf demons

What is the purpose of demons?

The purpose of demons is to frighten people so that the person doing the frightening will gain some benefit or power over a susceptible believer.

Can demons go inside a church?

typically, they are not allowed to ... but they can if they are attached to a person first

What is someone called when they study demonic possession?

Demonologist: noun:Someone who studies demons and beliefs about demons.Exorcist: noun:A person who is believed to be able to cast out the devil or other demons.

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The scariest Halloween costumes are those that look like demons.

What evil did Jesus cast out?

A:In ancient times, people believed that illnesses of which we now understand the true cause, were caused by demons possessing the person. Jesus cast out these demons.

Why do demons come to a person as much as god has come to that person?

In my own personal view Demons do indeed visit you just as often as God does... never. This might be because they were both invented by people who were too lazy to work for their own survival but managed to convince other gullible people into providing for them in their role as intermediaries to the Gods or Demons they had invented.