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They feel amazing. Especially when you go to the bathroom in them.

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Q: What do diapers feel like?
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Related questions

Do adult diapers feel like kid diapers?

Yea they both feel the same only kid diapers have pictures on them

Do pull ups feel like diapers?

Yes they do.

How old do you have to be to get out of diapers?

why do we have to put a limit on it, I never wanted to leave diapers. they are the underware I choose. Wear them i like them so much they also feel great ur never too old for diapers

How do you tell parent you like diapers?

When you feel like the time is right, just straight out say it. Or, you could get started on the topic of diapers by asking a question like "How many diapers does the USA go through in a day". You will get started on the topic and then you can ask your mom or dad.

Why are hugs and tugs in diapers?

Because diapers feel nice and warm and they magically appear

What does it feel like to pee in a diaper?

This can only be answered by you and if you do it. I love my diapers, and wish never to give them up.

What do pads feel like?

Usually nothing. They may feel wet if your flow is heavy. But other than that they're hardly noticeable. -they kinda feel like really small diapers but u get used to them

Why do you like wet diapers?

wait i dont like diapers

How do baby cloth diapers work?

They are not as effective as a regular diaper because stuff can leak through it. Many people feel like the best route is to get the help of a service to clean the diapers for them.

How do diapers feel?

Next time you're in bed, but the pillow between your legs. It feels like that. It's like an underwear with bulk in the middle.

Do diapers feel good?

yes they do there really comfortable i wear diapers for medical reasons.I love every moment of it

Kids wearing diapers at a friends home because theirfriend has to wear diapers?

If your friend is in a diaper why not, what does it hurt and you might like it. i think its a good idea 2 wear diapers with a friend that wears diapers to make them feal better about their self. Diapers also feel good and if you got to piss just go in them. I think it not right unless it was their choice. if it was, buy them some yourself.