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Q: What do doctors use to remove a lodged bullet from a person's body?
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A customer lodged a lead bullet in a barrel by using the wrong caliber?

Is there a question there? If you are asking what to do, the best thing is probably to have a gunsmith remove it.

Why didnt they take out the bullet out?

They dont need to take the bullet out in many cases. Doctors will evaluate if it is safe to remove the bullet or not. It is not unusual to hear a bullet lodged in to a skull or spinal cord to be left in the body. Due to friction between the bullet and barrel plus the atmosphere by the time bullet reaches the body its already too hot and perfectly sterilised. There is no risk of infection from the bullet. Lead poisoning can only happen when there is oxidation. As oxigen can not reach the lead in the body it is safe to leave it in rather than causing more damage to the body trying to take it out.

What disease did President Garfield die from?

He died September 19, 1881, of complications from gunshots wounds suffered on July 2, 1881. The immediate cause was a heart attack, brought on by a ruptured aneurysm in his splenic artery, septic blood poisoning, and bronchial pneumonia. Doctors had been unable to locate and remove a bullet that lodged behind his pancreas.

Which 2 presidents died because their doctors screwed up?

Their medical treatment was at least a factor in the deaths of George Washington and James Garfield. Washington was bled severely. Garfield was infected by the fingers of doctors probing for the bullet in an attempt to remove it.

How do you remove a bullet from the casing?

There is a tool made just for this purpose. It uses inhertia to remove the bullet. RCBS makes them the look like a hammer and are referred to as a bullet puller.

How do you remove a yam that is lodged in your rectum?

by putting a yam dislodger up your bum hole!!

How can you remove something that is lodged in your spark plug socket?

remove socket with item stuck get screwdriver push threw and watch out for palm!

What does Take a round out of you mean?

remove a bullet

How do you remove a bullet from the casing by hand?

Grab and pull/twist or use a kinetic bullet puller.

When a shih tzu has a bladder stone lodged in his urethra and surgery couldn't remove it what other options are there?

Put him to sleep

How much does it cost to fix a bullet hole in a car?

find a bullet of the same caliber. shoot the person that made the hole. remove bullet from person. use bullet to plug hole in car

How many bullets did Jackson have lodged in his body?

For a period of his life believed to be approximately 20 years, president Andrew Jackson had two bullets lodged in his body. Jackson did not believe that there was a doctor skilled enough to surgically remove them.