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Elevated homocysteine levels are a prognostic indicator of arteriosclerosis and poor cardiovascular health.

Diets rich in B vitamins, such as folic acid, B6 and B12, tend to reduce serum homocysteine levels,

It is not clear whether lowering homocysteine levels in the cardiac patient will lead to improved outcomes, with respect to morbidity and mortality (especially as cardiovascular diseases tend to be multifactorial, often including a significant genetic component).

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Q: What do elevated homocysteine levels mean for a cardiac patient?
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Homocysteine is an amino acid intermediate that can cause arterial damage. Elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood have been associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including the development of atherosclerosis or the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. High homocysteine levels can damage the lining of blood vessels, promote blood clot formation, and contribute to inflammation, ultimately leading to arterial damage.

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High homocysteine levels associated with ischemia may be treated with which supplements?

High homocysteine levels may be treated with vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid.

Cardiac enzymes and troponin elevate what?

Cardiac enzymes and troponin levels do not elevate anything. Rather, when you have a heart attack (MI), they are elevated. Unlike damage to any other muscle in your body, damage to the cardiac muscle causes the release of specific cardiac enzymes. Therefore, if they are elevated, you had damage to your heart (i.e. heart attack). I disagree with the above: If both are elevated then you may have had a heart attack but, if cardiac enzymes alone are elevated and not troponin levels then you will not have had a heart attack. That's my personal experience. Troponin levels are now considered a more accurate indicator of damage to the heart muscle as a result of a heart attack than cardiac enzymes which can apply to any other muscle group rather than the heart. In fact to use the word 'cardiac' in this context is misleading because if you sprain your ankle for instance 'cardiac' enzymes will be released into the blood! So, where is the connection between damage to your ankle and that of your heart? Both enzymes therefore need to be elevated to indicate heart damage reliably.

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A left side that experiences decreased oxygen indicates a right-to-left shunt.

What raises homocysteine levels?

Frequently the cause is heart disease.

Of what benefit to health is testing for plasma homocysteine levels?

laboratory testing for plasma homocysteine levels can improve the assessment of risk, particularly in patients with a personal or family history of cardiovascular disease

What are the implications of homocysteine on human health?

High levels of homocysteine in the blood are believed to increase the chance of heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and osteoporosis.