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Cattle don't need to be watched, unlike sheep and chickens do. Cattle can look after themselves enough that the farmer doesn't need to watch them all that often. Other things on the farm or ranch can be attended to, like haying, fixing fence, doing repairs on machinery, etc.

The only "Cattle" Farmers are called Dairy Farmers and they are either milking, feeding, breeding, or doctoring the Dairy Cattle, usually when you speak of cattle it is beef cattle.

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Q: What do farmers do when they are not watching their cattle?
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What do you do in cattle grazing?

Nothing except enjoy watching the cattle graze.

What characteristics do farmers want there cattle to have?

Farmers want their cattle to produce high quality meat and a high milk yield

How many cattle farmers are there in the rainforest?

None. Cattle farmers (or ranchers) do not operate within the forest itself. They raise their cows outside of the forest where the grass grows...which is where their herd of cattle eat the grass.

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Does Arkansas cattle farm?

Many farmers in Arkansas raise cattle, but I wouldn't say that "Arkansas" either is 'a' cattle farm or 'cattle farm(s)'. :)

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It isn't, actually. A lot of "cattle rearing" is done by small farmers too. Although it could depend on what type of cattle you're referring to: beef or dairy.

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One who attends to groups of cattle?

Cowboys or cowgirls, the rancher, cattlemen/women, drovers, farmers, whatever you want to call them.

What did farmers grow in the 1600's?

vegetables and cattle herds

What did the egyptians use cattle for?

for the meat... the farmers for the extra help