

What do female betta fish look like?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Usually, they won't have big beautiful tails. They have smaller bodies in general also.

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Q: What do female betta fish look like?
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it looks like they have a big bubble in their side

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They look just like Big betta fish, but smaller.

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a fat betta fish

Will your male betta fish eat your other fish or bite it?

a male Betta will usually like the company of other fish but will fight or kill others of their kind also they might fight guppies cause they look similar to a female Betta.

Do male betta fish change color?

A male betta has a long flowing tail while a female has a short tail

Can betas live with guppy's?

No. Male bettas can be kept in community aquariums, but should not be kept with fish that look anything like they do, or are small enough to eat. A male betta will mistake a guppy for another betta and kill it. Female bettas, however, can be kept with other "betta-like" fish without a problem.

Why is your Siamese fighting fish which you were told is a female blowing bubbles?

Because it's a shortfin male betta. There are such things, and the problem with them is they look a lot like females.

When betta fish go to sleep what do they look like?

Betta dish actually don't sleep, or they'd die.

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The male Betta is beautiful with a flowing back fin,with bright and eye-catching colors, and they are bigger than the female bettas.But the female Betta doesnt have flowing fins and they dont have bright colors,but the brightest color you can probably get is orange and i think white for the female.

Can you breed a Double fin male betta with a Crownfin female Betta and what do they look like?

Yes. They are the same species, Betta splendens, just different types.

What do betta fish look like when they die?

They look all gooey ang have a wierd coat around them

How does the female betta look when pregnant?

big around the stomach just like a human!