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I would dig them out. They may not be a issue other than an annoying noise as they rattle around but they may get into something and cause a problem.

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Q: What do i do about acorns in my car's air box?
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Related questions

Are acorns good for anything except squirrel food?

Box turtles can eat acorns. If they are the acorns from Oak trees, they can be first shelled, then ground into flour.

What time of the year do oak trees reproduce?

Oak trees drop their acorns in the early fall. Pollen carries through the air in the spring to make acorns.

Why are there no acorns on Long Island this fall?

There are no acorns or hickory nuts up here in Putnam County, NY either. Virginia saw no acorns or hickory nuts in 2008. Naturalists there speculated that spring rains may have washed out all the pollen from the air in the spring preventing acorn and hickory pollination. I remember remarking this past spring that our cars and decks had not been covered in the usual heavy yellow pollen that we get every spring. Perhaps this is the cause.

Where is the air conditioning relay location on a Honda accord 2001?

Most cars have them under the hood in a fuse box. ^^ Epic fail of an answer. It's not there.

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What tree has acorns?

Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree.

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most of the cars nowadays have air conditioning ........

What proteins do acorns have?

Acorns don't have much proteins. Acorns are high in fat and carbs. source:

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What would cause a smell from a Toyota Camry Air Conditioner?

Any time an air conditioner smells I tell people to try changing the in cabin air filter. most cars its behind your glove box and not costly. good luck.

Do VW cars have air conditioning?

in the UK the top of the range vw cars come with air conditioning as standard, but they have started installing air conditiong as standard on all of there cars

What causes a cars heater to blow cold air?

THE CAUSE for this is that when your cold air is on the petrol is used to create air. and that is how cars create cold air