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Lice can't live and breed on a doll. Dead lice pose no risk to you.

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Q: What do i do when my barbie doll has dead lice in its hair?
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Why do you have to get the lice out if it is dead?

I sure don't want dead bugs in my hair

What do lice eat and how?

lice eat dead skin in your hair/head but i don't know why.

What happens to dead lice in your hair?

Shave hair or wash hair very thoroughly.

Does Lemon Juice kill head lice?

I had lice. I put lemon juice in my hair to lighten my hair & I heard that it removed lice. I wet my hair in lemon juice. I blow dried it & repeated. I then washed my hair with cold water & conditioner. Sure enough, I saw dead lice come out. Gross yet effective!

How many hours does the lice live in your hair?

Lice lasts in your hair until you wash it, if you don't the lice will have sex, then it will have babies until your hair is all white with lice

Why does your hair itch when you talk about hair lice?

it is because u think about hair lice and think that its in your hair

Do lice like African hair?

Lice can exist in any type of hair; and scabies (body lice) exist without it.

How do you make a sentences a lice?

There is lice in your hair.

Does lice get in colored treated hair?

Yes - colour of hair is not relevant to head lice.

Is lice harmful or helpful?

Lice is not harmful or helpful, Lice is attracted to clean hair, but when you have lice, make sure to wash your hair thoroughly and buy special lice shampoo or cream.

Do lice stay on hair bows?

yes i guess because the lice get on the hair bow and if some one else puts in on the lice spread. so if you have lice and you wear a hair bow, don't share it. it's the same with hats and hair bands.

If you had lice was your hair to clean or to dirty?

i am a doctor and i say lice come from people with clean hair.