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I sure don't want dead bugs in my hair

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Q: Why do you have to get the lice out if it is dead?
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What do i do when my barbie doll has dead lice in its hair?

Lice can't live and breed on a doll. Dead lice pose no risk to you.

What happens if you have dead lice?

it means you have lice but one may have died from natural causes

What do lice eat and how?

lice eat dead skin in your hair/head but i don't know why.

What does it mean when a lice doesn't pop?

When a lice, or nit doesn't pop it means that it's already dead.

Are black lice connected with dead bodies?

Black Lice do not exist, search any official health website

Can you get lice from shoes?

No, lice do not live in shoes! They travel from person to person. Lice can not live within 2 hours of having a host, so if lice ever lived in your shoes then they are dead. you b**ch.

What lives on the dead animals?

Lice and flies usually live on bodies of dead animals or feed on them.

Do lice drink blood?

Yes they do if uou have lice eggs theyd suck your blood

Can you see lice droppings?

no, they are only black if the lices' are dead. x

What is the easiest way to get rid of lice eggs?

there many cleaning agents which you can purchase from pharmacists which is a natural and gentle head lice treatment that eliminates live lice and nits (lice eggs) in one day. It is important to use an effective nit comb to remove all dead lice, nits, and debris after a head lice treatment is used.

How do you kill fish lice?

A fish lice is a transparent kind of lice that can kill fish . It's a bit like a leech but for fish ! It can stay alive a lot when out of water . If you experience fish lice then remove it immediately and keep it on a bowl for about 10 minutes and it should be dead.

What happens to dead lice in your hair?

Shave hair or wash hair very thoroughly.