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Urine from a cow, cow manure, water and a touch of salt all mixed together in a toilet.

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Q: What do i soak contacts in if i have no solution?
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What will happen if you soak your contacts in water?

You die a slow and painful death.

Contacts lens solution is said to be what kind of solution?

Saline solution.

What do with your contacts you if you have no contact solution?

Put them in clean water, but be sure to soak them in solution before putting them in your eyes again. This is important because the solution kills germs but water does not. It is very important to have contact solution always. If you run out and too broke to buy another bottle, then go to your optometrist. He/she will be glad to give you a trial bottle.

What to put contacts in if you dont have solution?


Are tortillas a solution or mixture?

tortillas are totally a solution, cos when i soak them in water, it dissolves into nothingness.

Can i put solution in my eyes when i don't have contacts in?


Can you use different contact solution for your contacts?


Do you soak celery in hypertonic isotonic or hypotonic solution?


Can you get a parasite from contacts?

yes, you can. If you wash your contacts with tapwater, you can get an infection in your eye. Always make sure you keep your contacts clean and clean it with the solution your optician gives you and youll be fine! (:

Why do people who wear contacts use saline solution instead of pure water to clean their contacts?

Because if you use real water it will burn your eyes and contacts wont.

What can you use as contact solution?

You can use plain water if you absolutely HAVE to. If you're really desperate to get it cleaned off you can also spit on it; although it seems pretty gross, your saliva is much the same as the liquid covering your eye.

Can you clean hard contacts with soft contact solution?

Yes of course you can