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Jains gently sweep the street as they walk to remove insects from their path.

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Q: What do jains do when near insects?
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How ahimsa is lived out among Jains?

Jains are vegan. Some do not travel, to avoid crushing insects or killing them via a car windshield, etc.

How nonviolence affected the daily lives of Jains in ancient India?

The Jains' emphasis on nonviolence comes from their belief that everything is alive and part of the cycle of rebirth. Jains are very serious about not injuring or killing any creature-humans, animals, insects, or even plants. They do not believe in animal sacrifice, like the ones the ancient Brahmins performed. Because they don't want to hurt living creatures, Jains are vegetarians. They do not eat any food that comes from animals. Hope this helps :).

What is the concept of ahimsa?

It is the Jainist belief of nonviolence. "A" negates "himsa", the Sanskrit world for violence. The concept behind ahimsa is the motive to stop reincarnation. By living a nonviolent lifestyle, Jains hope to escape the cycle and reach nirvana. To follow ahimsa, Jains are vegan and avoid harming all forms of life. Some Jains will not travel, for fear of crushing insects while walking.

What do Jains call their god?

Jains call their god Tirthankar.

What are jainism people called?

They're called Jains.

Do jains believe in god?

Jains have different deities, the most important ones, being tirthankaras.

How do the principles of ahimsa shape life for jains?

Ahimsa, or non-violence, is a fundamental principle in Jainism that guides followers to avoid causing harm to any living being. Jains practice compassion, mindfulness, and respect for all forms of life, influencing their diet, professions, and daily interactions. By embodying ahimsa, Jains seek to cultivate inner peace and spiritual growth while minimizing their negative impact on the world.

Is digamber jains Buddhists?

Digamber Jains are not Buddhists. Digamber is a sect of Jainism.

Why jains does not brinjal?

jains avoid eating brinjal at it is considered jimikand or underground food

An insects antennae are located between the what?

An insects antenna protrude from the front of its head near the top.

Who do Jains follow?

Jains have many Gods like in Hinduism however, their main God is Lord Mahavir.

How do nonviolence affected the daily lives of Jains in ancient India?

Nonviolence, or ahimsa, was a central principle in Jainism that affected the daily lives of Jains in ancient India. Jains followed strict vegetarian diets, as they believed in minimizing harm to all living beings. They also practiced nonviolence in their actions and thoughts, avoiding harm or injury to any living creature. This influenced their occupations, relationships, and choices in their daily activities.