

What do mice do in the winter?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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11y ago

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They hise in your house and eat your food until theres none left then they create there own food YOU no judt joking they sleep in your bed.

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Q: What do mice do in the winter?
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Does petsmart sell mice in the winter?

yes! petsmart sells mice year-round! but at times they may be out of mice. they do sell them all time though! :)

How does a wolf sense mice under the snow in the winter?

they smell it.

What animals don't hibernate over winter?

dogs ,cats and mice

Where is a field mouse's home?

field mice live in fields and sometimes they like to live in barns when it is winter.

Do field mice hibernate?

In the winter field mice do not hibernate, but go into a torpid state. In this state they use less energy than usual, enabling them survive the food shortage.

Do wood chucks have more in common with squirrels or mice?

Woodchucks are considerably larger than both squirrels and mice. Woodchucks live in holes in the ground, mice in nests at various levels and squirrels in trees. Woodchucks, like squirrels, limit their activity in the winter.

What are five famous novels John Steinbeck wrote?

"The Grapes of Wrath" "Of Mice and Men" "East of Eden" "Cannery Row" "Travels with Charley"

Do wood chucks have more characteristics in common with squirrels or mice?

The woodchuck has more characteristics in common with squirrels because they are from the same family

Do deer mice hibernate or migrate?

Deer mice live in burrows they have made, abandoned burrows of other animals, beneath rocks, in stumps, in soil cracks, in debris, or in any other protected location. They build a cup-shaped nest of finely shredded plants and fur. Because they are nocturnal, deer mice use their nest for sleeping during the day. It is also used for raising their young and protecting themselves against winter weather. Deer mice are active year round and do not hibernate during the winter. However, they still prepare for winter by putting on body fat and storing seeds. Weed seeds form the bulk of their diet during the winter months. Although we often think of mice as eating only plant matter, deer mice, like humans, are omnivorous . In the summer they eat seeds, small fruits and berries, beetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, leafhoppers, and an underground fungus called endogone. What is eaten will depend upon what is available. When available, insects may provide more than half of their diet. Because deer mice are abundant and found nearly everywhere, they are a major food for such carnivores as coyotes, foxes, bobcats, weasels, skunks, badgers, grasshopper mice, snakes, owls, and other birds of prey.

Do mice hibernate in the winter?

No but as winter starts to set in you might notice that they usually find their way into people's houses.

Can winter white hamster and roborovki hamster get their mice?

Yes if when they are young and together, they won't fight and grow up to have baby.But if they are adults it is the opposite!Easy as a pizzy!