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It`s Oxygen

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Q: What do muscle cells run low on during periods of strenuous activity?
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What do muscle cells run low on during periods of strenuouse activity?


What increases during strenuous muscular activity?

The temperature (second law of thermodynamics) The amount of lactic acid in your muscle(s) Your heartrate Your respiration rate (erm .... you'll breathe faster)

How do the interactions of two or more body systems help to maintain homeostasis during periods of high muscle activity?

During periods of high muscle activity muscles need more oxygen requiring the respiratory system to work harder (a person breaths harder) to take in more oxygen. This oxygen is taken to the muscle via the circulatory system. During periods of high muscle activity heart rate increases which causes the circulatory system to deliver the oxygen and nutrients to the muscles at a faster rate.There are many systems that contribute to homeostasis. The kidneys are the organs that have the largest influence on homeostasis, and the hypothalamus is the gland that controls all of homeostasis.

How do ellipticals work?

Ellipticals work by exercising both your heart with intense cardio-vascular activity, paired with muscle-strengthening of the calves and thighs. It is a strenuous and vigorous activity.

Does muscle fibers brake down during exercise?

Yes. Strenuous exercise can kill the muscle fibers. Such muscle fibers are replaced by fibrous tissue.

What is muscle atonia?

A type of muscle paralization during REM periods.

Does muscle build when you sleep?

well yes and no. science has proved that muscles are built through rest and restoration, but if you did no strenuous activity that day or recently muscle will not just build on its own.

What happens to a muscle cell during intense physical activity?

During intense physical activity, glycogen; which is energy stored in muscle cells, is used during intense muscle contractions.

What is muscle endurence?

Ability to repeatedly continue the work without muscle fatigue. the ability to sustain activity for longer periods of time.

Muscle fatigue in human results from the overproduction and accumulation?

Muscle fatigue in human results from the overproduction and accumulation of lactic acid. It is usually produced in the muscle tissues during strenuous exercise.

What are physiological factors that are results of warming up?

Warming up (light exercise before more strenuous exercise) results in vasodilation of the skeletal circulation. This causes increased blood supply to the skeletal muscle to satisfy the oxygen and nutrient demands of the increased metabolic activity of the muscle during exercise.

When a muscle becomes anaerobic during strenuous exercise why is it necessary to convert pyruvate to lactic acid?

to decrease the NADH and increase the NAD+