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They are planets

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Q: What do people notice about many of the Roman names for the Gods and Goddesses?
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What is Psyche's Roman name?

Psyche was the Roman name used- notice that in the myth, the names of the gods and goddesses mentioned (Venus, Jupiter) are the Roman names.

What are vulcan's goddesses roman names?

Two godesses were closely related to him. Their Roman names were Stata Mater and Maia.

Why was Saturn named after roman god?

It was the habit of the ancient people to name stars and planets after their gods and goddesses; the Roman names stuck because Rome was a Empire for a long time so people remembered.

How are roman gods related to greek gods?

Roman gods and goddesses are pretty much the same, they just have different names.

Should Roman goddes be capitalized?

Yes, Roman goddess names should be capitalized as they are proper nouns.

Why many gods have both Greek and Roman names?

Greek mythology came first. Then the Romans came. They admired the gods and goddesses of the Greeks and copied. The Roman gods and goddesses and more disciplined and war-like. Because Greek and Roman mythology things can't have the same name, Romans changed the names.

What companies have Roman god or goddesses names?

nike,mercury cars, mercury messenger, and mercury soda.

How did the roman's get their god's names?

Romans named their gods after their natures: Cupid (Desire) and so on and so forth, from what we understand, however there are gods and goddesses from Roman myth whose names are of uncertain origin.

What is the Roman name and Greek name of the moon?

The Romans referred to the moon as Luna. The Greeks called it Selene. Both names were the names of their respective lunar Goddesses.

How did Pluto get to become a roman god?

The Romans adopted the the Greek gods as their own, giving them new names. Pluto's Greek name is Hades. Roman astronomers later gave the planets the names of their gods and goddesses.

Why was the roman name Vesta give to Hestia?

The meaning of Vesta is the same as Hestia; they were originally separate goddesses from different peoples - that of the Greeks and the Romans, who came to interchange the names of the goddesses so they became "the same". There are similarities, as well as differences.

The three goddesses who according to greek and roman mythology controlled human destiny?

Are the three Fates they're small goddesses, but they do have a big impact. I don't remember their names. In Greek mythology the three Fates are Klotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. In Roman mythology the three Fates are Decima, Nona, and Morta.