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A lot of blue jeans and Ed Hardy t-shirts.

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Q: What do people wear in North America?
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What do North America people wear?

they wear weird things,like men wear skirts and women wear these REALLY REALLY long skirt-like dillys..... ^^ ***

Do people in japan put Christmas trees?

yes, they wear clothes similar enough to north america.

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what did the people wear in the north west

Is there more dead people than alive people in North America?

There are no dead people in North America

Do people in North America farm?

yes all kinds of people farm in the north America

The first people who came to north America?

The first people who stepped in North America were the Vikings.

What do people in America wear?

they wear jeans and t shirts

What do Catholic priests wear in South America?

Catholic AnswerThe same thing they wear in North America or Europe: clerical clothes for street wear and liturgical vestments in Church.

What kind of clothes do people wear in America?

people wear the same things as Americans

Who is the famous people in North America?

the name of the famous poeples in north america

Native people of north America and Greenland?

The native people of northern North America and Greenland are called Inuit.

Do people live on north America?

Over half a billion people currently live on the continent of North America.