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when you breathe out, plants breathe in.

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Q: What do plants do when you and other humans breathe out?
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What humans do to plants?

Humans, and actually all other animals, breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants take in this carbon dioxide and combine it with water and sunlight to make food in a process called photosynthesis. Luckily, a byproduct of this process is oxygen, which humans and other animals breathe in. Then we breathe out carbon dioxide, and the wondrous cycle continues.

What do you breathe when you breathe out?

Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, the whole world runs in a motion, for example plants breathe carbon dioxide, we breathe in oxygen. Even fish breathe oxygen. They take the oxygen out of the water. So we breathe in what plants breathe out and plants breathe in what we breathe out.

What do green plants release that humans breathe?


Why can't humans exist without plants or other animals?

First of all, humans need plants and other animals for food. It is impossible to live a healthy life without both of them. Also, plants take in CO2, cleaning our air, and give off oxygen, so we can breathe. Without plants we would not be able to breathe and our air would become very polluted.

How does carbon dioxide cycle between living things?

Humans breathe in oxygen, which plants produce, and breathe out carbon dioxide, which plants take in.

What is the source of oxygen released by plants?

plants inhale carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. Its the opposite of what humans do, we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Why is carbon used as the basis for all life on our planet?

because plants breathe in carbondioxide and breathe out oxygen which animals and human breathe in if there is no carbondioxide there will be no plants ,no animalsand no humans which means no life on earth.

Importance of air?

"Air" is the most important cycle that exists between the atmosphere and earth, e.g. a sustained cycle between plants on earth and the air we breathe, and humans. Air is important as a natural resource because we AND plants must breathe. Plants use carbon dioxide which humans breathe out. Humans breathe in oxygen, which plants give off. Without these two components of "air" or if these became out of balance, both plants and humans would die.

What living organism uses the air humans breathe out?

plants. when humans exhale carbondioxide, plants take it in and turn it back into oxygen. especially trees

In which ways plants and animal depend on each other?

well you need animals to have plants cause plants breathe and so do animals. animals breathe what plant exhale and we breathe what plants exhale.

What living things use oxygen?

Humans and animals use oxygen to breathe. Plants exhale oxygen.

What do humans breathe out and plants breathe in?

They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. That's how they help us. It's called photosynthesis, requiring the use of the sun and CO2. It produces sugar, energy, and O2.