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Q: What do pregnant earth worms look like they look like in their butt there are eggs?
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Are worms asexually?

no Worms reproduce by sexual reproduction, when they get under each other's skin, then release the sperm and egg cells.

How many eggs do earth worms lay?

worms lay 1000 and earthworms lay only 500

What are the white worms coming from your butt and how do you get rid of them?

Not unless you are infested with them... it's not healthy to have worms living in you. The most common worm to live inside a human is the Threadworm (or Pinworm). Threadworms are tiny little white worms, about 3cm long. The female worms lay their eggs in your gut which go down to the rectum (butt). These eggs are coated in a sticky white substance which causes the butt to get itchy, or tickly when the worms move. If you're a girl, then the female may move forwards and lay her eggs in your vagina. In the UK, these worms are more likely to be on kids. When you itch your butt, sometimes people won't wash their hands and the next time you put your fingers in your mouth is when the worms under your nails will travel down your throat to your gut once again. This is a lifecycle. Consult your doctor if you think you have worms. He'll give you a tablet which starves the worms to death.

What type of worms do magpies eat?

Earth worms. They also eat carrion, baby birds, eggs, bugs, etc.

Do you put tape on your butt to see if you have pin worms?

Yes. If there are any pinworm eggs around your anus, they will stick to the tape and you can see them under the microscope.

What eats a pukeko?

A pukeko eats swamp and pasture vegetation, insects, small birds, frogs and eggs.

How does worms make more worms?

they lay eggs

How can a cat give humans worms?

no, you can not get worms from cats. Those worms are only meant for animals. if the butt worms got out, theres no way it would find its way to a humans especially because they are not interested.

Do worms lay eggs internally?


How do snakes lay their eggs?

with their butt

What is a long coiled tube in worms where many eggs are stored?

A long coiled tube in worms where many eggs are stored is known as the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for the production of eggs.

Is it asexual or sexual when two earth worms each produce sperm and eggs and fertilize each other?

The exchange of sperm and egg is sexual reproduction