

What do rats do when they happy?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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wank there dick in an upward direction.


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Whoever wrote that is an idiot.

When rats are happy, they start to 'brux', which is when they rub/chatter their teeth together, kinda sounds like they are grinding their teeth. If they are really happy they may close their eyes and brux, and if they are in absolutely sublime pleasure, they will kinda goggle their eyes around, which looks pretty freaky but absolutely adorable. I have only made one of my two pet rats get that happy in their little 4-6 month life ( they aren't dead yet, still have a lot of life in them ).

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yes and no. if u like rats and they don't bite u then rats can be trained. if u hate rats then rats can't be trained.

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Rats are social animals. If you do not have a lot of time to spend with your pet rat, you'll need to have a 2nd rat as a cage mate. They will keep each other company.Rats are very affectionate pets and enjoy spending time with their owners. Give your rats the attention and time that you can and you'll both benefit from the time spent together.

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