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they are jerks

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Scout and Jem learn that the mob mentality can instigate violence and anger, but individuals within the group can still recognize their humanity and show compassion. They see how people can be swept up in emotions and lose their sense of reason when acting as part of a group.

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Q: What do scout and Jem learn about the nature of the mob?
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Who does Scout recognize?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout recognizes Boo Radley as Arthur Radley, the reclusive neighbor who she and her brother Jem had been curious about throughout the novel.

What does Jem do during the scene at the jail that impresses Atticus from to kill a mockingbird?

In the scene at the jail in "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem shows maturity and courage by protecting his father, Atticus, from a potential mob. He intervenes when the men approach Atticus, refusing to leave his side, and is able to defuse the situation by reminding Walter Cunningham Sr. of their personal connection. Atticus is impressed by Jem's bravery and composure during the tense encounter.

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In Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird Jem tells Scout that he fears, their father, Atticus will get in trouble. Jem fears this because he thinks the group of men were apart of a mob that was upset about Atticus helping Tom Robinson.


The children, Scout and Jem, intervened and approached the mob at the jail where Atticus was guarding Tom Robinson. Scout's innocent conversation with Mr. Cunningham, one of the mob members, and her recognition of other men in the mob led them to disperse and retreat. Her presence humanized the situation and prevented any violence from occurring.

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Mr. Underwood does with a shotgun, vthen Scout, Jem and Dill arrive.

Why doesnt atticus hear jem and scout hollering?

Atticus doesn't hear Jem and Scout hollering because he is preoccupied with talking to the mob of men outside the jail. He is focused on diffusing the tense situation and protecting Tom Robinson from harm.

What kind of trouble begins to happen first at the Finch house and then at the jail?

At the Finch house, trouble begins when Scout and Jem are harassed by Bob Ewell following the trial, putting them in harm's way. At the jail, trouble starts when a mob arrives to lynch Tom Robinson, but is diffused by Scout's innocent conversation with Mr. Cunningham.

What faulty assumptions did scout and jem make in chapter 15?

In Chapter 15 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout and Jem make the faulty assumption that Atticus needs protection from the lynch mob that shows up at the jail. They underestimate Atticus's courage and resourcefulness, as he is able to defuse the situation without their help. They also assume that the men in the mob are irredeemably racist and not capable of reason or empathy.

What affect did scout have on the mob?

The affect scout had on the mob is she made them more kind hearted.

What has Jem learned that Scout is still too young to see?

Jem has learned that there is deep racial prejudice and injustice present in their community, while Scout is still too young to fully grasp the implications of this. Jem also understands the complexities of human behavior and the darker side of society, which Scout has yet to experience.

What did jem tell scout he was afraid of after the group of men showed up?

Jem told Scout he was afraid of what they were going to do to Atticus after the group of men showed up at the jail. He feared for his father's safety and was concerned about the potential violence that could occur.

Describe the events Jem relates that scout was unable to see?

Jem recounts that after Atticus shot the mad dog, Tim Johnson, in one shot, Calpurnia takes them to the colored church where they are welcomed by the community. Jem also tells Scout about how Atticus faced down a mob at the jail to protect Tom Robinson. Scout missed these events due to being at the Finch house.