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Q: What do the Jack Russell Terriers do when they catch a fox?
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Are Jack Russell rat and fox terriers still called Jack Russell's and are full blooded Jack Russell's rat or fox?

Rat terriers and Fox terriers are their own breed of dog. They all come from the same lines, going centuries back. But now due to breeding, these different breeds of dog have different characteristics although they may look alike they are in fact not all Jack Russell's.

How much do you feed a miniature Jack Russell per day?

No such thing as a Minaiture Jack russell, they are either Parson russell which is longer in the leg so a little taller or the smaller jack russell which was bred from the Parsons by mixing with other terriers eg: Fox terriers to acheive a shorter dog now known as the Jack Russell

What two dogs make Jack Russell?

The Jack Russell is a smaller version of a Fox terrrier. A Fox terrier is derived from a wolf. I belive they just kept breeding small-legged Fox terriers until they got the Jack Russell terrier.

When was Jack Russell's invented?

jack Russell's were invented in 1834 the first jack Russell in the world to be alive it was a puppy black,white and brown very hyper I found all this in my history book about dogs every single breed in the world. :D :D :D

Is Dodger a Jack Russell Terrier or a Wire Fox Terrier?

He's actually a Jack Russell Terrier because the Wire Fox Terrier's muzzle is too long and skinny, and the Jack Russell's muzzle is shorter.

What do Jack Russell terriers hunt?

Birds,squirrels,ground hogs, fox, most small animals actually.

What breed was the Jack Russell Terrier developed from?

It was a interbreeding between various terriers and the English Bull Dog NEW ANSWER For Alacrity (the dog sim) the answer is wired haired fox terrier. Hope I helped! :)

Does Jack Russell hunt?

Yeah. Jack Russel Terriers (or terriers in general) puppies are used when hunting to capture the fox if it goes down a small hole which the hounds cant fit down. They're carried round in a small box on the back of a quad bike and they follow the hunt and are ready when the hint need them.

What is the difference between a toy fox terrier and a fox terrier?

In general, the toy fox terrier is smaller than the fox terrier, with proportionately smaller features.

What is the best mouser dog?

Cairn Terriers, Fox Terrier, jack Russells, Australian Terrier, and Rat Terriers are all good mousers

Where Did the Jack Russel breed originate?


Is a Jack Russell a smaller version of a Fox?

No! It is a smaller version of the Fox terrier. It was bred to hunt foxes.