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I am asking myself the same question, but the question is what kind of tax? I am asking how they think about income tax..................

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Q: What do the Republicans think about taxes?
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Do republicans pay taxes?

No they raise money on taxes

Do republicans want to raise or cut taxes?

They want to cut taxes.

How do republicans feel about taxes?

Republicans feel that taxes should be minimal. They largely believe that the government should be minimal to reduce the amount of money needed.

What do Republicans think about taxes?

The Republicans in today's Congress are firmly against raising taxes especially on the rich or even the very rich! Its like a religion for them-taxcuts taxcuts taxcuts!!! Every econonomic problem demands a taxcut-God forbid to raise taxes to bring down the deficit that they created! The extreme rightwing of the GOP has effectively purged all the liberals and the moderates from the party and now are embarked on wanting to get rid of healthcare for all and Medicaire. These Republicans are far out of the mainstream!

What are a Republican beliefs on taxes?

Generally, Republicans believe that the fewer taxes you pay, the better the economy will be. They advocate for less taxes on businesses as well.

Do Republicans support higher taxes?

yes they need more money

What do Republicans believe?

Republicans traditionally believe in low/moderate taxes, large military, and small government.Refer to the link below to research the Republican Party.

Who pays more taxes Republicans or Democrats?

Democrats This guys is obdviously a democrat if he thinks that. NO. Republicans pay about 70 percent of taxes, and democrats pay 30. (because a lot of democrats feed off of welfare and pay no taxes). my answer: it is impossible to tell without access to I.R.S. tax forms. do NOT forget that Congress is full of millionaires who pay VERY few taxes be they Republican or Democrat. now IF the question were rephrashed,Republicans clamor for less taxes

Are Republicans more conservative?

Yes. Republicans are the party that wants to lower taxes and spending and make the government smaller to allow individual freedom.

What are a Republicans beliefs?

one belief is that people who have money have worked hard for it and don't want it to be taken forcfully and given to people who don't work at all republicans think people should give to the poor freely instead of being forced through taxes

What republicans think about education?

They think its really impotant

Did Republicans oppose the Apollo space program?

No I do not think the republicans objected the space program.