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Q: What do the followers claim about their prophets or founders?
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Who are the prophets and founders of Christianity?

Prophet: Jesus

Who are the prophets of buddism?

The Budda and his followers

What are Christianity prophets?

Christianity prophets are people who claim they can speak to God. Examples would be Moses, Jesus, and Noah.

Is prophet carn a false prophet?

Yes there are false prophets, people who claim to be prophets, when they are really not sent or called by God.

How justified is the claim that all godly prophets and their followers are Muslims?

Another answer from our community:The claim is simply justified by the fact that Islam (as an Arabic word) in its universal sense means submission to God. All God creatures were created on submission (Islam) to God. They have no choice rather than submission (Islam) to God. However, on mankind creation they were given the choice to do the good or the bad, to maintain full submission (Islam) to God as the one and only one God or not. Accordingly, over history, God assigned his prophets to call their people to Islam (submission to God) with no partner and no associate. Muslims believe Islam is the real mission of all God prophets; including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) and all their followers are Muslims. However,Islam per Torah God revelation to prophet Moses (PBUH) was named Judaism,Islam per Bible God revelation to prophet Jesus (PBUH) was named Christianity, andIslam per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was named the same name Islam.

How many books the prophets have had brought on hearth?

There is no specific number mentioned in religious texts. Different prophets are associated with different messages and teachings that have been written down by their followers in various books and scriptures.

What is Religious Conservatism?

Religious conservatism is a political and social ideology that combines traditional religious beliefs and values with conservative principles. It often emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional moral values, social institutions, and cultural practices rooted in a particular religious tradition. Religious conservatives may advocate for policies that align with their religious beliefs, such as opposing abortion or supporting traditional marriage.

How many profits in the bible claimed to be the messiah?

No true prophets claimed to be the Messiah other than Jesus Christ himself. False prophets may have claimed to be the Messiah, but no true prophets of God ever made such a claim.

Why does the KKK claim they are Christianity?

So they can appeal to Christians (and other people) and get more followers.

Was Prophet Mohammad any different from Mirza Ghulam Ahmed and Gohar Shahi who also claimed they were prophets?

according to the followers of the right methodology in Islam there is no prophet after the prophet Muhmmad (peace be upon him) and the ones who claim prophecy are described as disbelievers heres an example go to: See link below

What is the purpose of halos?

to cleanse the world of anything the parasitic flood could feast on, or as the prophets have told their followers, to initiate the great journey.

What type of religion is Islamic?

Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion. The followers adhere to the belief of one god, and also trace all of the prophets from the line of Abraham's children, Isma'il and Ishaq.