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The lungs expand to take in more air while you breathe heavy and breathing more then normal day-to-day things like cleaning the house washing the dashes etc.

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Q: What do the lungs do during exercise?
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What do the heart and lungs send to the muscle during the long period of exercise?

blood and oxygen

What is the parts of the body that is mostly active during exercise?

the lungs (or if muscle workout, the limb in question)

What would happen to the blood pressure in the pulmonary artery if more blood is drived to the lungs during exercise?

The pressure in the pulmonary artery increases during exercise if the cardiac output increases.

How does exercise increase blood oxygenation?

During aerobics exercise, lungs take in air and transfer oxygen to the blood, which is then pumped by the heart to the muscles that need it.

What is Shorts bursts of exercise when body does not meet the oxygen demand called?

This type of exercise, during which the body's oxygen need exceeds the lungs' ability to replenish it is called anaerobic exercise -- literally, 'without air.' Exertion of longer duration, during which the body is able to sustain the energy output (and the lungs have the capacity to provide the necessary oxygen for a longer period of time) is known as aerobic exercise.

Why are we breathless during exercise?

Because your body requires more oxygen and to get this it needs more air to pass through the lungs.

Products given off as waste during exercise?

During exercise, lactic acid builds up in the muscles, leading to muscle aches. The lungs produce carbon dioxide, as they do at rest, and sweat is also produced by the body.

Which parts of the body are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise?

Blood vessels, the heart, and the lungs are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise.

During CPR the and are stimulate?

During CPR the lungs and heart are stimulated.

How the lungs are made healtthier during cardiovascular exercise?

When you do cardio respiratory exercises, you enable more blod flow and you exercise the heart. The breathing in respiratory exercises also cleanse the breathe and helps you have more oxygen in the body.

How many oxygen liters you respire by minute?

Healthy lungs breathe between 6 (at rest) and 150 (during exercise) liters of air per minute.

Is it true that when you smoke and then exercise it won't affect you?

No. Smoking is bad for you, regardless of what you do during or afterwards. I don't see much reason for exercising to reduce the effects of smoking. Smoking is bad for your lungs and it will mean that your exercise capability and fitness will decrease.