

What do the neutrons and protons have in common?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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they both end with a s

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Q: What do the neutrons and protons have in common?
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How many protons and neutrons does a carbon have?

6 protons. The number of neutrons varies, but the most common isotope has 6 neutrons.

How many protons and how Mani neutrons does it have?

Boron has 5 neutrons and 5 protons for its most common isotope

The element boron how many protons and neutrons does it have?

Boron has 5 neutrons and 5 protons for its most common isotope

Does there have to be the same number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus?

No. Even atoms of the same element will vary in the number of neutrons in their nucleus. For example, carbon (6 protons) has isotopes with 6, 7, and 8 neutrons. The most common isotope of hydrogen (1 proton) does not have any neutrons. While the most common isotopes of the lighter elements generally have the same number of protons and neutrons, heavier elements will have more neutrons than protons. For example the most common most stable isotope of uranium (92 protons) has 146 neutrons.

What do neutrons and protons have common?

The atomic nucleus contains neutrons and protons (apart from hydrogen-1 which only has 1 proton and no neutrons). The difference between them is that protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge. They also have slightly different masses.

What neutrons and protons have in common?

The atomic nucleus contains neutrons and protons (apart from hydrogen-1 which only has 1 proton and no neutrons). The difference between them is that protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge. They also have slightly different masses.

How many neutrons do protons have?

Neutrons are completely separate from protons, so neutrons do not have any protons, and protons do not have any neutrons.

The nucleus of an atom is constituted of?

Protons and Neutrons.

What do all matter have in common?

they have electrons, atoms, protons, and neutrons

What do electrons protons and neutrons all have in common?

They are part of an atom.

How many protons and neurons of carbon?

Protons: 6 Neutrons: Anywhere between 2 and 16. The most common isotope of carbon has 6 neutrons.

How many electrons protons and neutrons does robidium have?

A rubidium atom has 37 protons, 27 electrons and usually 48 neutrons. Though another fairly common isotope has 50 neutrons.