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The suitors wan't Penelope to marry them and they will play games to win her over such as: darts, fights, last longest under water, etc.

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Q: What do the suitors want from Penelope?
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What do the suitors want in the odyssey?

the wanted odysseus' wife penelope :)

What was the task Penelope placed for the suitors?

It was Penelope

How does Penelope learn of what the suitors are thinking?

Penelope learns what the suitors are thinking through her handmaidens, who eavesdrop on their conversations and report back to her. She also uses her own intuition and keen observation skills to understand the suitors' intentions and motivations. Additionally, Penelope occasionally interacts directly with the suitors to gather information and assess their behavior.

Who were the men gathered at the home of Odysseus and what do they want?

The men gathered there are suitors and they want to marry Penelope, Odysseus' wife.

Who is the leader of the suitors of Penelope?

Antinous is the leader of the suitors of Penelope, as he is the richest, and the most outspoken. Eurymachus is the next most reknowned of the suitors, and is well known for his command of the language.

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Did Penelope like any of the suitors?

While Odysseus was gone, his wife Penelope was being forced to entertain a large group of suitors who wanted to marry her. Penelope did not like any of the suitors, and only wanted Odysseus to come home to her.

How were the suitors in The Odyssey bad hosts?

Not at all. The suitors were guests of Penelope, not hosts.

Who was the suiter best liked by Penelope slain by telemachus?

Penelope did not like any of the suitors

What does Penelope ask the suitors to do?

Wait for her to finish weaving

Where is Penelope during the slaughter of the suitors?

During the slaughter of the suitors in the Odyssey, Penelope is kept in her chambers away from the violence. She is not aware of what is happening until after the event has concluded.

Why do the suitors want to kill telemachus?

Telemachus is a barrier between them and Penelope. Telemachus insults the suitors in the first two books of the Odyssey, and threatens to eventually kill them. If Telemachus is dead, then there will be no man in the house. Penelope will be forced to marry. Further, it is easier to kill him before he is full grown.