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The common types of worms in cats are ringworms (which is not technically a worm but a fungal disease of the skin and hair), roundworms (which are internal and live in the cat's belly or intestines), tapeworms (also an internal parasite that you can find in your cat's feces and also affects dogs), hookworms (which are found in the cat's intestines and get their name from their teeth that they use to attach to the intestines and are particularly dangerous to kittens), and lungworms (these often go undiagnosed because the symptoms, coughing and difficulty in breathing, are usually only exhibited with a very heavy infection. Take cats to the vet right away if you suspect they have worms, they can be gotten rid of easily through either conventional or homeopathic remedies if they are caught early.

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15y ago

The most common type of worms found in cats are roundworm and tapeworm. These are the ones you will usually see in the poop. Roundworm are round and long, resembling a spaghetti noodle. Tapeworms are flat and usually in segments, although they can sometimes be whole (very very long).

Cats may also get ringworm (which is actually a fungus and not really a worm), heart worm, hookworm and lung worm.

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Do Cats have worms?

A cat can die from certain types of worms. Like the heartworm, a cat can die from. But worms around its rear end aren't fatal. It's best if you contact a vet and get it treated so its not going to spread to other cats.

Can a cat with worms infect a clean cat?

A cat with worms can infect a cat that doesn't have worms, so it's best to give both cats (after discussing it with your vet) the worm capsules.

Can a cat with worms infect a human?

Yes the cat may give the human worms

What are the major classes Of segmented worms and what are examples of each?

some examples of worms are:Arenecolaearthwormthese are only a few of thousands of different types of worms.