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You didn't give us the provisions, but we can tell you that slavery was considered normal in the ancient world, including in Mesopotamia. Slavery was not based on one's race or color. One was either born into it (if your parents were slaves, so were you), or one became a slave by being captured in a war, and sometimes a criminal was punished by being sold into slavery. Slaves could also be traded from one slave-owner to another. Sometimes, slaves were freed, but more often than not, it was a permanent condition. Treatment of slaves varied, with some owners being kind and even allowing a slave who seemed to have high intelligence to learn a skill or a trade; but other slave owners treated their slaves brutally, and there was nothing the slave could do about it.

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Q: What do these provisions suggest to you about slavery in Mesopotamia?
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according to: Slavery can be traced to the earliest records, such as the Code of Hammurabi in Mesopotamia (~1800 BCE.), which refers to slavery as an already established institution. I dont know you stupid a** mother*****