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Transgender males can have a penis, a vulva and vagina, just a vulva, or a variation.
It depends on the individual person, and if they're had any form of surgery.

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Q: What do transgender males have for genitals?
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Do transgender males have breast?

Not unless they have begun female hormone therapy.

Are most she-males lesbians?

No. These are two different feelings. Transgender people feel that the feeling inside their body doesn't match the genitals on the out side. Lesbians are strongly attracted to the same sex.

Does a MTF transgender have a penis?

Only if she hasn't had sexual reassignment surgery.

How can you tell if your ginea pig is a boy?

Females have smaller genitals and the males have a dot on them .

How do males become she males?

She-male is a term used for transgender men working in the sex industry. They are born men and then by using hormones or implants, they get breasts.

Why are males different from females?

so that two can have sex and create a new born baby they are different by genitals

Do transgender males have vaginas?

I am transgender female and I was born with a penis. Assuming that you understand a trans woman is a male to female transsexual. Before they have Genital Reassignment Surgery trans women have the penis that they are born with. After the surgery the tissue from the penis has been used to create a neovagina that looks and functions just as a natal females vagina. It takes an expert to recognize the difference. Trans women do not have periods and cannot get pregnant, they do not have a uterus.

How can you tell the sex of a baby hamster?

It's the distance between their genitals...males have a gap between their penis and their anus

What is the different between transgender and gay?

Gay is being sexually attracted to someone of the same sex as you, transgender is identifying a different gender than that listed on your birth certificate. A transgender person can be attracted to someone the same gender as the one they themselves were assigned at birth, so from a certain point of view it may look like gay and transgender people are the same. The difference is that a gay man still identifies primarily as male.

Size does it count?

If you are asking about a males genitals, then yes. Too small, not good, too big, still not that good either.

What is the test organism?

If my memory serves me right, the testes (plural) are the males genitals that store semen and belongs to the reproductive system.

What is the testes system?

If my memory serves me right, the testes (plural) are the males genitals that store semen and belongs to the reproductive system.