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Nematodes and other nasty paracites, bacteria too if it's cut or ground.

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Q: What do uncooked or undercooked pork contain?
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What does pork contain if it is uncooked or undercooked?

For many years, market pork was fed "slop" besides a conventional pork production diet (corn and rye), and there was a very real chance that the meat contained a parasite that could cause a disease known as trichinosis. Only thorough cooking could destroy it. Today, there is almost nil chance of contracting trichinosis from pork, but partially from habit, and partially because most people do not like the taste of undercooked pork, it is still widely cooked to the "fully white" stage. There is also the same risk of contracting salmonella from pork that there is from any other processed food product that has been improperly handled, but no more or less. The most common cause of salmonella poisoning is probably poorly handled eggs.

Can you get trichinosis from?

raw or undercooked pork

Is it safe to eat leche plan during pregnant?

It is safe to eat if it does not contain uncooked/undercooked eggs (whites or yolks) and has not gone bad/stale/off.

How do humans get liver fluke disease?

Liver flukes can be caused by eating undercooked pork products. Undercooked pork contains a bacteria that can cause liver flukes.

What type of worm lives in pork?

magnets live in pork if uncooked

What can be acquired by eating undercooked pork?

Food poisoning and tape worms.

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What is a food-borne disease caused by a parasite sometimes found in undercooked pork?


Is the burger made of microorganisms?

No. An uncooked or undercooked burger contains microorganisms, but the burger itself is made from cattle, which are definitely not microorganisms.

Where do you salmonella?

Uncooked/undercooked poultry and eggs, unpasterized milk, contaminated water, and from reptiles whom most likely carry it.

What does Scrooge think has caused this ghost to appear?

It claims the apparition is the result of some undercooked potato or some uncooked meat

The roundworm associated with undercooked pork is call?

Trichinellosis, also called trichinosis, is a disease that people can get by eating raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with the microscopic parasite Trichinella.