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Under water newts eat worms.

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Q: What do under water newts eat?
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Do birds eat newts?

yes, bids do eat newts

What eat and threat newts?

the things that eat and treat newts

When do newts hide under rocks?

Newts don't specifically hide under rocks but they go under rocks whenever they want too. Rocks are in the water and on land and newts are totally aquatic and specifically aquatic so they can go under rocks when they feel like it.

Do newts eat leaves?

Newts do not generally eat leaves. A newts diet generally consists of earthworms, snails, small fish, and a variety of insects.

Do newts eat triops?

Yes newts can eat Triops. Care needs to be taken with smaller newts, that the Triops arent too big. Larger newts like paddletails will have no issues with larger Triops.

Do you keep baby newts away from adult newts?

Most newts should be kept away from the adults. If adults do not eat enough they will eat their own eggs.

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Do newts go in a tank with goldfish and weatherloaches?

No newts need to be able to get out of water. I would put gavel in the bottom and some rocks for them to climb on and hide under. Then have water an inch or two above the gravel not the rocks though

Do baby newts live in water?

yes because newts are amphibian.

Are newts poionous?

If you eat one.

Do newts eat lettuce?


Do Chinese fire bellied newts eat on land or in the water?

Chinese fire bellied newts (of the species Cyanops orientalis) and other similar species which spend most of their time under water will usually feed underwater on insects and other small invertebrates. In the pet trade these species are often fed within the water on live or frozen invertebrates. The species would feed on land but since it spends the greater part of its day in the water then it will be unlikely to eat a lot on land.