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something slow working with a rag, I.E. fast srying reducer or a degreaser but work fast. Then you will probably have to buff and polish

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Q: What do use to clean a polyurethane spill on a fiberglass surface?
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How can you clean up spilled polyurethane?

How you can best clean up spilled polyurethane will depend on where it is spilled. If it is spilled on a laminate floor, rags dampened in mineral spirits will work well. If the spill is on concrete, paint thinner will clean it up.

What can be used to remove a polyurethane spill on your stainless refrigerator?

Mineral spirits can be used to remove a polyurethane spill on your stainless steel refrigerator. Simply dampen an old rag with some mineral spirits and rub the affected area. Wipe away any residue with a clean, damp cloth.

How do you remove polyurethane spills on linoleum?

Try dampening a rag with mineral spirits and try it on a small hidden area of the linoleum. If it is okay, repeat on the polyurethane spill. Use a clean area of the rag each time so you do not spread the polyurethane. Wash the floor thoroughly after you are done; dispose of the rags since they are now a fire hazard.

Why should you use a spill mat on your bar?

It protects the surface of your bar and makes it easier to clean up.

How do people clean up an oil spill?

we can help clean the oil spill by volunteering to help clean the animals who have oil on them.

How do you clean Armor All spill on floor?

how do you clean up a an armoral spill in kitchen

what are skimmers used for oil spill clean up?

None. Skimmers are mechanical devices, which use the surface tension of the oil to pull oil into a boat.

Can the oil spill be stopped?

Yes,it can be stopped.They will have to cap the spill, clean the oil from the water, and clean all the effected animals.

Will a gasoline spill in a fiberglass boat cause permanent damage to the fiberglass?

no, if there is no visible damage to the fibreglass within a day of it being cleaned off, there should be no permanent damage.

What can you do about an oil spill?

clean it up :)

What can you do about oil spill?

clean it up :)

If you spill salt what should you do?

Clean it up