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Vampires represent evilness.

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Q: What do vampires represent?
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Related questions

What do vampires symbolise?

vampires symbolise all sorts of things, but they represent, in some cases, fear

What do merigolds represent on the day of the dead?

They represent vampires. AKA if you found them on someones deathbed. They died of the overwhelming visit of a vampire.

What are some things besides vampirism that vampires and ghosts represent in literature?

Vampires and ghosts in literature can also symbolize aspects such as desire, the fear of death or loss, the past haunting the present, and the struggle with immortality. They can also represent forbidden or hidden desires, internal conflicts, and the idea of being trapped between life and death.

What does the pic on the front cover of New Moon mean?

all of the pics have something red in it to represent blood because it is about vampires. lol

Why are the vampires scared of the Voltaire in movie twilight?

In the Twilight series, the Volturi are an elite coven of vampires who enforce the laws of their kind. They are feared because they are powerful and ruthless, and they have the authority to punish or even destroy other vampires who break the rules. So the vampires in the series are scared of the Volturi because they represent a significant threat to their existence.

What unique fear do Martians or other aliens represent, as opposed to zombies, vampires, and other types of monsters?

(Apex) Fear of superior technology.

What kinds of vampires are there?

are vampires true are vampires true

What do vampires symbolized?

Vampires are often seen as symbols of immortality, seduction, and forbidden desires. They can also represent the fear of the unknown, the allure of the dangerous, and the struggle between good and evil. Additionally, vampires have been used as metaphors for societal issues such as addiction and lust for power.

What is the collective noun for vampires?

Some collective nouns for vampires are a vein of vampires or a clot of vampires.

Debate on Vampires Are Real Are Not?

yes vampires are real, bats are vampires. but human vampires are not real

What does a vampire symbolize?

Vampires are often seen as symbols of primal desires, such as lust and greed, as well as power and immortality. They can represent the allure of forbidden temptations and the consequences of giving in to those desires. Additionally, vampires can also symbolize themes of eternal love, seduction, and the fear of death.

Why are people attracted to vampires?

People are attracted to vampires because they represent a sense of danger and mystery. Vampires are often portrayed as powerful, seductive, and immortal beings, which can be alluring to some. Additionally, the allure of forbidden love and the idea of being bitten and transformed can be appealing to those seeking excitement and escapism.