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Protein buffers, such as hemoglobin

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Q: What do water molecules carry away and therefore help neutralize lactic acid formed during strenuous exercise?
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What is a sentence for strenuous?

Strenuous exercise makes me tired.

Use strenuous in a sentence?

Strenuous exercise is good for your heart.

Can you give an example with the word strenuous?

He lifted the boulder, but not without heavy can not win without exertion . Your highest exertion is required.

Why After a strenuous workout more recovery time is needed than after a moderate workout?

The body needs more recovery time in between more enduring repetitions. A more strenuous exercise would therefore require more time to rest due to the increased buildup of lactic acid compared to the moderate exercise. The resulting more strenuous exercise is probably better to do less repetitions than one would do with a moderate exercise.

How is the word strenuous used in a sentence?

Strenuous describes hard and extended physical exertion or exercise.

Write a sentence using the word strenuous?

Too much strenuous exercise can result in jury.

How do you use the word strenuous in a way that shows its meaning?

The strenuous exercise made my muscles ache.

Why can exercise be dangerous during pregnancy?

It's not unless you do things too strenuous. Exercise is encouraged.

Why do you get a burning sensation when you do strenuous exercise?

Because I'm awesome.

Why do you warm down?

it is a gradual recovery from strenuous physical exercise

What is the cause of the pain and stiffness felt after strenuous exercise?

Latic Acid :)

What percentage of your blood goes to your muscles during strenuous exercise?
