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Q: What do we call a choice that goes against gods law of love?
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whoever goes against gods word until you ask for forgiveness you are out

What does against the grain mean?

If doing something goes against the grain, you're unwilling to do it because it contradicts what you believe in, but you have no real choice.

What do you call a person who goes against the flow?

A person who goes against the flow (of society, their community, their established culture, and so on) might be called a nonconformist.

What do you call a person who goes against their country?

A person who goes against their own country is often referred to as a "traitor" or a "defector," depending on the circumstances of their actions.

What is the name of a choice marble in a game of marbles?

The choice marble in a game of marbles is the largest marble. It goes by a number of different names. Some call it the Anny, others may call it the shooter, masher, or boulder.

What do you call a person who is a spy and who goes against his country?

Defector, Traitor, Double Agent.

Which choice sounds like something a moral absolutist would say?

This action goes against everything I think is important.

What does the grain mean?

If doing something goes against the grain, you're unwilling to do it because it contradicts what you believe in, but you have no real choice.

What does Antigone mean when she says to Creon that all his strength is weakness against the immortal unrecorded laws of the gods in 'Antigone'?

That gods rule is what Antigone means when she says to Creon that all his strength is weakness against the immortal, unrecorded laws of the gods in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone recognizes that the gods rule in this world whose course they control through the relentless Furies of human destiny. She also realizes that the gods rule in the Underworld of the afterlife. She therefore knows that any mortal who goes against divine will is doomed to failure since the gods never let anything pass.

Could pharohs be challenged for leadership?

no because pharohs were considered to be gods and whatever they say goes, so according to the egiptians the pharoh was the supreeme leader and nobody could go against him.

What are their ideas of death about aztecs?

the chief goes up to the gods and everyone else goes to hell

How do we determine whether something is a sin?

If it goes against gods commandments. Such as Love thy Neighbor as thy self. No conditions, but a clear commandment. Adam and Eves situation was not a sin. They were given a choice. The Lord told Adam not to eat of the fruit or else this will be the consequence. Adam chose the consequence but continued to follow the laws and teach his children the laws of sacrifice and of the Lord. Adam was and is a righteous man.