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Q: What do we called an organism's non reproductive cells?
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What is a non reproductive cell?

what is a non-reproductive cell?

Are Somatic cells nonreproductive cells?

Yes, somatic cells are non-reproductive cells.

What does non - reproductive cells mean?

Non- reproductive cells cannot split apart to make more cells. For example, brain cells are non- reproductive cells. You can never get more. Things like drugs and alcohol kill brain cells and they can never come back. So once they're gone, they're gone.

Why wouldn't a mutation in a non-reproductive cell be passed on to offspring?

If this mutation isn't present with a gamete cell, then it can not be passed onto the offspring. A non-reproductive cell would be cells that are highly organzied such as nerve cells or brain cells.

Who concluded that two kinds of cells reproductive and non-reproductive cells exist?

Who is the person associated with this statement? Concluded that two kinds of cells, reproductive and nonreproductive, exist. august weismann

What are the function of mitosis?

mitosis is a process where somatic cells split. that means a single cell become two, two become four, four become eight, and so on. somatic cells are non reproductive cells, like muscle cells. for reproductive cells, like sperm, the same process called meiosis

Do living and non living organisms contain cells?

No only living organisms have cells. But non-living organisms are made up of atoms instead.

Why do cells need to go through division?

Mitosis is how somatic-or non-reproductive cells-divide. ... In mitosis, the important thing to remember is that the daughter cells each have the same chromosomes and DNA as the parent cell. The daughter cells from mitosis are called diploid cells. Diploid cells have two complete sets of chromosomes.

What type of cell undergoes mitosis?

Mitosis is the form of cell division that most eukaryotic cells undergo. In humans, all somatic (non-sex) cells use mitosis to divide. Sex-cells use meiosis instead of mitosis.

Why are mutation that occur body cells not pass on to its offspring?

This is because body cells do not contribute genetic material to sex cells.

Cell type which undergoes process meiosis?

Germ cells undergo meiosis to form the gametes.

What are the differences between the characteristics of living and non-living organisms?

You have eucaryotic procaryotic and viral cells. Procaryotic cells are primitive cells with hardly any organelles. eucaryotic cell are modern living cell that exist in our bodies that have many organelles Now, Viruses have no organelles ,they are a non living antigen which is reconized by the boby as foreign, These viruses can take over a good eucaryotic cell in the body and then take over and multiply its own DNA but without the good cell It cannot multiply.