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were wolves are mostly fearless exept for facing their worst fear silver bullets

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12y ago

a vampires main fear is golden bullets...and werewolves.

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8y ago

Us. Mankind itself.

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Q: What do wolves fear most?
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What is the fear of wolves?


Should people fear wolves?

No, they do not pose a threat.

Why were Odysseus men gripped by fear?

Odysseus' men were "gripped by fear " because of the wolves and mountain lions.

Are all wolves in danger?

Yes people are hunting them for sport and out of fear.

Are all wolves dangerous?

Yes people are hunting them for sport and out of fear.

Why is the red wolf an endangered species?

The red wolf is endangered due to early European hunting and killing them due to their fear of wolves. Stories such as "Little Red Riding Hood" have added to the fear of wolves.

What are the most powerful wolves?

- gray wolves - dire wolves - Alaskan wolves These Are The Most Powerful Wolves In Order From Strongest To weakest But They Are All Powerful.

Are gray wolves harmful?

most wolves are harmful and that does include gray wolves

What did Pocahontas fear?

Pocahontas feared what most people would in the wilderness: Wolves, bears, coyotes, but mostly the English settlers that attacked her tribe.

What is the most aggressive wolf?

the most aggressive wolf in a pack is mostly the alphas of the pack, if a wolf in the pack disobeys one of the alphas there gonna get a beating, and others wolves in the pack might fear the alphas

Where in Mississippi are there wolves?

Wolves in Mississippi are almost completely extinct, before colonialism most wolves in Mississippi were red wolves but now they are almost all gone. Most red wolves currently are in Texas and Louisiana. It's a shame but most wolves you hear about in Mississippi are simply coyotes.

What story written in 1697 made most Europeans scared of wolves?

The story that made most Europeans scared of wolves was "Little Red Riding Hood," first published in 1697 by Charles Perrault. This popular fairy tale depicted wolves as cunning and dangerous predators lurking in the forest, instilling fear in many people about potential dangers associated with these animals.