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Since the Triassic period was the time of the first dinosaurs, herbivores and carnivores were known to walk on 2 legs. Examples are:





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12y ago

Any animal that walks on two legs is called bipedal. However, most dinosaurs that only walked on two legs belonged to the group known as theropods, whose species were usually meat eaters. Some small plant eating dinosaurs were also bipedal, but because they were not all directly related, they do not all fall under the same group name. A few dinosaurs (particularly hadrosaurs and iguanodonts) usually walked on four legs, but stood on two legs in order to scan for danger or to run.

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How "many" legs can a dinosaur have - two to four legs

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a human, (four legs)walks as a baby on hands and knees(two legs)a person who walks on two legs (three legs) a guy with a cane.I know right this is one big lie and doesn't help you soz it is hard to find a three legged animal.