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A fish Slice

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Q: What do you call a kitchen utensil with a wide flat blade used to turn or serve food cooked in a frying pan?
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What are the benefits of sonic blade?

"The Sonic Blade can cut a variety of items in the kitchen, from a tough watermelon rind to a soft peach without mashing it. The Sonic Blade is cordless and can be used anywhere in the kitchen without the cord getting in the way. Also, the blades can be changed to meet your specific kitchen needs."

Does Kitchen have a pizza wheel come with a blade guard?

They do. Read a review here:

Which knife has tiny serration on blade prevent skin from tearing?

Best serrated utility kitchen knife has tiny serration on blade prevent skin from tearing. The Best Serrated Utility Kitchen Knife is very helpful in the kitchen for cutting the different vegetable and even the fruits which are having the many layers and are very much difficulty in cutting .

What are the function of spatula?

A spatula is used like a spoon to transfer solids from one place to another. It is very bad practice to use it for mixing as this invites contamination.

Where does the word spatula come from?

The word spatula comes from the Latin word 'spatha' that has the meaning of broadsword. The spatula is a cooking utensil that is has a flat blade and used to lift or remove foods from hot surfaces.

How do knives cut through things in a kitchen?

the blade on the knife is sharp so it can get through hard objects (mostly foodstuff).

What is a mandolin kitchen?

I believe you are referring to a mandolin kitchen slicer. It is a slicer which works by sliding the food across the blade with the slices falling out the bottom. It usually has a variety of interchangeable blades for different types of slicing.

How a kitchen mixie works?

hi friend , mixie has an one motor, that will help to rotate the blade inside the jar. so we can grind anything with this.

What is a Cooking utensil that starts with letter Y?

Kitchen items that begin with Y include: yams yogourt yeast yolks

What kitchen knife set India consists of?

Kitchen knife set India typically consists of two components: the handle and the razor-sharp blade. The handle is ergonomically created to provide a secure grip on the knife for the user. Commonly, the sharp blade has a smooth side and a serrated side; the serrated side makes cutting simpler, especially with softer foods. This is merely the regular knife, though; there are several others that are specially made with different blade lengths, can sizes, designs, and so on. Special kitchen knives make food preparation infinitely easier and less time-consuming.

What is used to squash garlic?

There is a small device available anywhere kitchen utensils and accessories are sold called a "garlic press". It is designed especially for the purpose. The down-and-dirty chef's "quickie" way of crushing garlic is to lay a broad knife blade or cleaver blade on the garlic cove, and smack the flat blade sharply with your hand. Smack the edge of the blade away from the sharp edge, of course.

What are the good features of the best kitchen knife brands india?

When it comes to purchasing a kitchen knife from the best kitchen knife brands india, it is important to choose a reputable brand that is known for producing high-quality knives. Here are some tips on how to check the quality of the best kitchen knife brands in India: Look for reviews, Check the blade material, Examine the handle