

Frying and Sauteeing Foods

Frying food is cooking in hot fat or oil until it is browned on all sides and cooked through. Frying is usually done in a shallow skillet. Sauteing is a dry heat cooking method. The pan is very hot with just a small amount of oil or fat, and the food cooks or browns quickly.

486 Questions

Why is boiling healthier than frying?

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One of the advantages of boiling food is you are able to cook without adding fat and calories to the food. Another advantage to boiling is the fact that it is easy.

Is frying a burger a chemical change?

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Yes, frying a burger is a chemical change because the heat causes the Maillard reaction to occur, which results in browning and flavor development in the meat. This chemical reaction alters the composition of the burger, creating new compounds that affect its taste and texture.

Is frying a hamburger an example of a chemical change?

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Yes, frying a hamburger is an example of a chemical change. The heat from frying causes chemical reactions in the proteins and fats of the hamburger, leading to the formation of new compounds and changing the composition of the food.

Is a frying fish a chemical reaction?

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No, frying fish is a physical change, not a chemical reaction. The process involves changing the state of the fish from raw to cooked through the application of heat, without altering its chemical composition.

Is frying chicken a chemical change?

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Yes, frying chicken is considered a chemical change because the heat causes chemical reactions to occur in the chicken, altering its molecular structure and changing its composition. This process cannot be easily reversed to return the chicken to its original form, unlike a physical change.

Why is frying faster than boiling?

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Because oil cooks up (Boils faster) faster because of the chemicals in it and the density it provides. water takes a free minutw because there is nothing in water water is just water but oil has different ingrediants which help boil it faster

What is the scientific participate of lightning candle in the kitchen to remove bad odor of frying dried fish?

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There is no scientific evidence that lightning a candle can effectively remove bad odors from frying dried fish in the kitchen. The best way to eliminate odors is through proper ventilation by opening windows or turning on an exhaust fan. Additionally, using natural odor absorbers like baking soda or vinegar can also help neutralize strong smells.

Oxygen in the air combines with iron molecules on a frying pan to form?

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iron oxide, commonly known as rust. This process is called oxidation, where the iron molecules react with oxygen to create a reddish-brown layer on the surface of the frying pan.

Is frying an egg chemical or physical?

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Frying an egg involves both chemical and physical changes. The heat from the pan causes the proteins in the egg white and yolk to denature and coagulate, which is a chemical change. The browning of the egg due to the Maillard reaction is also a chemical change, while the change in state of the egg from liquid to solid is a physical change.

Is frying an egg a chemical or physical reaction?

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Frying an egg is a chemical reaction because the heat changes the proteins and lipids in the egg, causing them to denature and form new compounds. This results in the cooked egg having different properties than when it was raw.

How many calories are there in one cup of canned mushrooms and raw mushrooms and sauteed mushrooms?

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In general, there are approximately 20 calories in one cup of canned mushrooms, 15 calories in one cup of raw mushrooms, and 44 calories in one cup of sauteed mushrooms. These values can vary slightly depending on the specific brand, type, and preparation method.

What is the word equation for frying an egg?

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The word equation for frying an egg is: egg + heat (from a pan) = fried egg.

Is frying a egg a physical change?

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Yes, frying an egg is a physical change because the egg undergoes a change in state from liquid to solid due to heat, but its chemical composition remains the same.

A fire starts in a frying pan in your kitchen You grab a box of baking soda and throw its content into the pan Bubbling and foaming occur and the fire goes out what evidence that the chemical reaction?

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The evidence that a chemical reaction occurred is the bubbling and foaming when the baking soda was thrown into the pan, which indicates a release of gas. Additionally, the extinguishing of the fire suggests a chemical change happened, as the baking soda likely released carbon dioxide gas, displacing oxygen and suffocating the fire.

Is frying an egg a physical change?

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no. frying an egg is not physical, because once you turn the egg into a solid, you cant change it back to a liquidish substance. Heating is a chemical change, so there for, frying an egg is a chemical change. Same with baking a cake. Once you add heat to a substance, like cakebatter, you cant change it back into cake batter there for making it a chemical change.

Why was how to eat fried worms banned?

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"How to Eat Fried Worms" by Thomas Rockwell has been challenged due to its portrayal of harm against animals, specifically worms. Some parents, educators, and organizations have objected to the book's content, feeling that it promotes animal cruelty and inappropriate behavior among children. These concerns have led to efforts to restrict or remove the book from school libraries and reading lists.

Why is it necessary to add oil to bacon and onion when cooking in a frying pan?

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In general, you do not put oil in the pan when frying bacon. Bacon is fatty and the pan will gain a layer of liquid fat on the bottom when the bacon heats. In fact, if the bacon is very fatty and the fat is not drained from the pan partway through frying, the bacon might not become crisp.

If you are frying healthy alternatives to bacon, the pseudo-bacon might not have enough fat content for frying, so you might need oil, but check the instructions on the container in which it came. (I tried two versions of soy bacon many years ago, and one suggested putting oil in the pan.)

Why are fish coated in breadcrumbs as part of the preparation if they are to be cooked by deep-frying?

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They are used to keep the fish whole and prevent it from breaking up during the cooking process.

What coating can you use for deep frying fish?

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You can dip the fish in beaten egg mixed with a little milk or buttermilk, then roll it in flour, dry pancake mix or cornmeal. There are also lots of recipes for batter-dipped fish, but here is a basic and simple recipe.


3/4 cup flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup water


Whisk together dry ingredients in a bowl.
Add water and mix well.
Dip fish into the batter, coating thoroughly.
Drain off excess batter and drop in hot oil.
Deep fry until a nice golden brown. (Fish will float when it's done)

This breading recipe can also be used for deep-frying chicken, shrimp, or most anything you want breaded and deep-fried.

Why is a frying pan and a casserole dish better for a pressure cooker?

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boiling water will cook it evenly but if you put it straight on with pressured heat it will cook faster. why? heat when pressured becomes extremely hot causing things to cook faster.

As the pressure rises, the temperature of the water and steam inside the sealed pot (the pressure cooker) also rises above the normal 100ºC (212ºF) boiling point temperature.

Is fried chicken bad for you?

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No, it is not safe chicken every day due to fat for the human body Eating chicken every day is not bad, but you need to be cautious while choosing the right one and cooking it right too. Chicken may cause food poisoning because of salmonella, a bacterium found in poultry chicken that can cause food-borne illnesses.

How do you make fried bread?

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Heat a little oil or melt fat (butter is good) in a medium-hot pan. Tap the required number of slices of bread (thickly sliced if possible) over the sink to shake off loose crumbs and cook in pan, turning once, until golden-brown on each side. Put on a paper towel to drain excess fat until required.

Fried bread is a classic companion to fried eggs, bacon and sausages. Mushrooms, baked beans and cheese are also popular toppings.

Can you use pancake mix as a frying batter?

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Absolutely! You might, however, need to add some spices to give it that extra taste. Just a note though - coat your onion rings with flour and then coat with the pancake batter. It makes the pancake batter adhere better to the onion rings.