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If it is an inherited condition, the person will be called a haemophiliac.

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Q: What do you call a person that cant clot their blood?
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Is a blood clot on the brain often makes a person unconscious and give severe headache?

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Can an AB- person give blood to a B- person?

No, because their A antigen will be attacked causing the donated blood to clot.

How does Ebola kill a person?

They will just bleed out since they can not clot their blood.

What are some symptoms of a blood clot?

Generally a person who has symptoms of a blood clot with experience pain at the sight of the clot. Pain may include throbbing, burning, swelling , inflammation, numbness as well as visible redness .

What is a blood clot that is traveling?

An embolus is a wandering blood clot.

What forms blood clot?

its blood that's got alot of clot

Why does a haemophiliacs person bleed more than a regular person?

There blood does not clot as fast due to a white blood cell problem.

If a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to some part of the brain a person will suffer?

All of the above.

Can a blood clot in your cheek be removed and is a blood clot in your cheek life threatening?

A blood clot in your cheek is life threatening and you would have to have surgery for the clot to be removed.

A stationary blood clot is called?

stationary clot is called a thrombus or a blood clot.

What does thrombus mean in medical terms?

Thrombus in medical terms means blood clot.