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Q: What do you call a person who always forgets?
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What do you call a person who forgets a lot?

That would be either forgetful or absentminded.

Which medication is recommended for a person who always forgets?

That would need to be a matter for a physician. Medication may not always be recommended or appropriate.

What is one sentence that has a clause beginning with who always forgets?

I don't think a sentence can begin with 'who always forgets'. Here are other examples: John, who always forgets his wedding anniversary, bought a gift six weeks late. The mother asked her aunt, who always forgets something, if she remembered to bring the wedding cake. Would you ask someone who always forgets things to take care of something important?

What if your boyfriends always forgets to call back?

text him on his mobile sayin call me bak or nag him the next day, try to sound reallii upset and if you can fake cry dats even betta!

What do you call a person who is always free?

a white person

How do you deal with a mom who forgets to call?

You go to her house and talk to her

What do you call call a person who always finds something?


What is a person called if he forgets things?

Scatterbrain. I think.

What do you call a person who always loves you?


What do you call a person who always comments?

A Critic

What do you call a person who always fools?


What would you call a person who is always happy?

a person who is always in a good mood is called jolly, or enthusiastic