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Abstainer, tee-totaler, non-drinker

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Q: What do you call a person who has abstained from drinking alcohol?
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What do you call someone who has never tasted alcohol before?

A teetotaller. Not drinking alcohol is not necessarily intelligent because consuming it in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining from it. Abstaining from alcohol is a high risk factor for cardiovascular disease. ...Intelligent?

What would happen to a person who drank an entire bottle of hard liquor very quickly?

Depending on the weight and tolerance of the person it could range from nausea to death. If drinking that much alcohol is not a usual occurrence, I suggest you induce vomiting and call 911.

If someone is showing alcohol overdose should you lay them flat on their back?

If you think someone has alcohol poisoning, you should call paramedics and take them to the hospital. They may need to get their stomach pumped. Encouraging the person to vomit could help as well. Drinking lots of water is a must.

When you stop drinking alcohol does it upset your stomach?

Often. It can also cause extremes of blood pressure, and seizures. Alcohol detox should be medically supervised if possible. If not, don't hesitate to call 9-1-1 if needed. Get a blood pressure cuff, and monitor the person's blood pressure.

What should you do if a person is showing signs of an alcohol overdose?

Call 911 immediately.

What do you call someone that has a alcohol problem?

a drunk or a alcoholic It is a common myth that because a person has an alcohol problem that he or she necessarily is an alcoholic.

What do you call a person who drives for the drunk people?

The person is the 'Designated Driver' who is not allowed to drink alcohol.

What is the appropriate way to deal with an alcohol emergency?

There are all sorts of alcohol emergencies. We will assume you mean alcohol poisoning. If a person becomes unconscious after drinking alcohol, there is no time to waste. The person should be placed on their side, with the upper leg forward, to prevent them from rolling on their back and inhaling vomitus. You should then call 9-1-1. There is no effective first aid treatment for alcohol poisoning, and every minute counts. Don't wait to see if they will wake up on their own, and don't bother wasting time on cold showers, etc. They won't work.

What do you call a person who lies to cover for an alcoholic?

Enabler. They are helping or enabling the person to continue their destructive behavior. Both need help. The person who is enabling and the person who is drinking. AnswerCodependent.

How did people get alcohol during prohibition?

They would do whats call bootlegging, usually they would make it in bath tubs, but it was risky, because you wouldn't always get drinking alchohol.

What do you call them people that make good chooses of drinking?

Why I call them good choosers of drinking.

Name a reason why a person who has a car will call a cab?

been drinking, car trouble, bad weather, going to airport