

What do you call a red eared female slider turtle?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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I do not believe there is a proper term for female red eared sliders yet. :)

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Q: What do you call a red eared female slider turtle?
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What is the black intestine thing coming out of a red eared slider turtle's bottom?

Most people like to call that a tail. ya know a "tail". The're on most animals.

Is there a Picture of a red eared slider turtle?

Females and males look nearly the same. The only real difference is a slight variation in tail length and the plastron (under shell) is convex in females and concave in males. If you needed one for a presentation, find any picture of a red eared slider and call it female.

Why does my red-eyed slider turtle not eat his food?

Turtles might not eat for a variety of reasons. 1) If its tank or basking area is too cold, his digestive system might slow down. Make sure that he is away from cold areas of your home, such as a window or doorway if it's cold outside, and make sure that he has both a water heater and a nice hot basking lamp. 2) Turtles often do not like change in their environment. If you have recently traveled with your turtle, or moved his tank, or even rearranged the inside of his tank, he may not eat for a few days. 3) If he does not eat for four days or more, he might be sick, so call a local veterinarian. Find one that has a turtle/reptile specialist, because not all vets do. Because of their slow metabolism, it can take a long time for a turtle to recover from sickness, so call your vet as soon as possible. Also, it's red-eared slider, not red-eyed slider.

How do you know if you have a female turtle or male?

you got to take off its shellor call the place

Are Red eared slider turtles endangered?

Turtles and tortoises are inquisitive creatures, but they do not possess a great deal of what you would call "knowledge." Some turtles have better awareness of their surroundings (such as height or motion) than others, even within the same species. All turtles fail sentience tests, as they cannot distinguish between a reflection of themselves and another turtle. Red-eared sliders are no exception.

What could be wrong with a red-eared slider that is not swimming or hiding just floating but otherwise seems ok?

RES's typically aren't found floating... They sink unless they've hauled up on something that keeps them at the surface. So the fact that he's floating indicates to me that he's not "otherwise ok". I'd give your vet a call and see what he/she says. _____________________________________________________________________ If its eyes are caved in, then it is dead 12 year old turtle expert, Kris ______________________________________________________________________

What do you call a turtle that loses its shell?

A dead turtle.

What is male and female tortoise called?

You call it a turtle or a male turtle. Just like a snake, or lizard, or... Lots of things don't have separate names for male and female of the species

Is there a species of turtle call alligator snapping turtle?

Yes, there is a species of an alligator snapping turtle. sammi was here!

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Why is it called a polo kneck in UK and turtle kneck in US?

Polo Neck Vs Turtle Neck...=They call it 'Turtle Neck' in America because that's what they call it in America! I'm not quite why they call it that in America, but my answer is... they just do! :D=

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