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Turtles might not eat for a variety of reasons.

1) If its tank or basking area is too cold, his digestive system might slow down. Make sure that he is away from cold areas of your home, such as a window or doorway if it's cold outside, and make sure that he has both a water heater and a nice hot basking lamp.

2) Turtles often do not like change in their environment. If you have recently traveled with your turtle, or moved his tank, or even rearranged the inside of his tank, he may not eat for a few days.

3) If he does not eat for four days or more, he might be sick, so call a local veterinarian. Find one that has a turtle/reptile specialist, because not all vets do. Because of their slow metabolism, it can take a long time for a turtle to recover from sickness, so call your vet as soon as possible.

Also, it's red-eared slider, not red-eyed slider.

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Q: Why does my red-eyed slider turtle not eat his food?
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it maybe because its pregnant and if its not that then you could try diffrent kinds of foods until he finds one he likes

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just throw your sperm in the tank and the turtle will eat it and it will be pregnet

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Your turtle can eat feeder fish.

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our red slider turtle is 1 1/2 years old and she will eat 5 small goldfish at a time.

What do Singapore turtles eat?

Feed your red-eared slider regularly. Turtles require different amounts of food depending on their size. If you are unsure how much food to feed your turtle, consult a veterinarian. Feed your red-eared slider a high-protein commercial turtle kibble, available at your local pet store. To supplement this food, give your red-eared slider chopped vegetables such as zucchini, kale, dandelions, squash, endive leaves and collard greens.

What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.

Do red eared slider turtle eat fish?

Yes... all red ear slider turtles eat fish. The main factor is size. If your fish is bigger than your turtle... there's nothing to worry. But.. if your turtle is quite bigger than your fishes... be assured they are all going to end up their life being turtle poops... :P