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wow does anyone actually like that? as in really like? or do they feel they can change the person or feel theres no way out or they beaten there self asteem so much that they believe they cant do better!

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Q: What do you call a woman who likes being in abusive relationships?
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Will a verbal abusive woman continue to abuse in each relationship?

Generally a verbally abusive woman has control issues and she will carry them into most relationships. However, there are a few women that are verbally abusive to one or more men, but may meet a man that she is not verbally abusive to as they are better suited for each other.

How do abusive relationships make women feel?

Abusive relationships make women feel insecure, alone, afraid, and devalued. They can also make a woman feel hopeless, helpless and sad. Other feelings can be angry, outraged and suicidal. Abused woman should seek help for the abuse they have suffered.

What type of woman does an emotionally abusive man seek?

An abusive man (emotional,physical, etc.) will seek insecure woman.Woman who are not independant. Someone to take care of their needs.And that is it, someone to satisfy their needs. An abusive man can not change, a woman can not change him. He has to change himself. He had to do it all alone, if he really wants to recover.I really wish all the ladies in abusive relationships strength. That is what they need to leave.

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Is it possible that a woman with a history of abusive relationships will continue to seek out those kinds of relationships whether knowingly or unknowingly?

It is a possibility. She should seek professional help to discuss this issue further. == == The psychology books teach this concept. Yes, she should seek counseling but most important is that she comes to God to let Him heal her emotionally. It is only God who can truly heal this cycle of getting into abusive relationships. She is feeling she cannot have anyone who is not abusive so that is one reason she keeps doing this. Her self esteem is very low.

What are the chances of an abused and abusive woman who was recently divorced trying to get back with her non-abusive ex-boyfriend?

It's in the best interest of everyone, most especially the abused woman who has abusive tendencies, to seek counseling for herself. She should also stay out of relationships until she has adressed why she is abusive to others. Getting involved too soon would be a rebound relationship. Even if her ex was willing to take her back (and he might not be), it's unhealthy to jump from one relationship to another in hopes of being saved from a bad situation, or believing all personal problems will end if they get with someone who once had feelings for them. The abused/abusive person must heal themselves first before they enter a new relationship.

Can my abusive ex live a happy life with his new woman?

Depends who ur abusive ex is

What body part of men mostly women likes?

it usually depends on the woman. Being a woman myself, I am attracted to a mans smile. My friend Anna likes butts, Katie likes hair, and Becca likes crotches. Like I said, it usually varies.

What is the percentage of women that stay in abusive relationships because of their fear of being alone?

Women stay in abusive relationships for a variety of reasons, it is never that simple. They may believe that they can work through issues with their partner and the abuse will diminish. It is never easy to leave someone when the heart is entangled, just because there is abuse doesn't mean there is not love. There may be a fear of being 'alone', but it is not usually just that that keeps them. Victims of abuse often suffer from high levels of insecurity and low self-confidence which makes it easy for them to be convinced by the abuser that they are at fault for their abusive behaviour. So, often the woman may feel that if she changes her behaviour then the abuse will stop. It can become a cycle that becomes more and more abusive over time and leaves the woman feeling so hopeless that she begins to accept her partners abusive behaviour.Yes, and it also depends on the culture of the woman. In some culture women are not "allowed" or afraid to leave, it could be so that they don't bring shame to their family...a lot of times they stay for "the kids" not realizing that they do more harm to their children when they stay in an abusive relationship. Abusers also chose women that have issues, like insecurity thus making it easier for them to control the victim. Also, in this day in age, the victim is no longer just a woman, it can be a man, in the gay/lesbian community, transgender community. Rich or poor, educated or not, violence exists and I think the cycle can be broken if the children can be taken out of the violent situation in time so that their generation has a chance to make better choices and live different lives.

Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if with a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

What are the possible reasons a woman would seek out a relationship where she is being controlled and why would she view that as love?

Usually women do this because it is all they know. Many women will pick partners that are abusive because they've had abusive fathers, etc.

What does a man mean if he tells his woman friend that he likes her too much?

Sounds like this man is falling in love with her. Many people don't realize that the most successful relationships are being friends first and then falling in love. Your partner is suppose to be your best friend.