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Q: What do you call an above ground mass of hyphae is called?
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What do you call a molten rock?

Molten rock is called magma when it is below ground and lava when it is above ground.

What do you call the slender filaments that connect their internal area of fungus?

The bodies of most fungi are constructed of threadlike filaments called Hyphae. A mass of hyphae is called a mycelium, the feeding structure of the fungus.

How do you call the floor above cellar?

In the UK we call it the ground floor.

What is 'first floor' in British English?

What in America is called the 'first floor' is called the 'ground floor' in Britain. The floor immediately above that is the 'first floor', what Americans would call the 'second floor'.

What do you call the portion of coconut just above the ground where the roots originate?

root neck

Do all fungi except yeasts have bodies composed of filaments?

No, there are many other species of fungi that do not have bodies of filaments (called hyphae). They call into the phyla of Chytridiomycota and Neocallimastigomycota.

What do you call water that has not touched the ground?

Its called as surface water.

What does it call when water soaks into the ground?

It's called absorption.

What do you call a finely ground meal of grain?

It is called flour.

How do we figure the amount of water for an above ground 21ft pool?

Call your local water company.

What do you call a cloud at or near the ground?

This is called fog. It can get really thick.

What do southerners call ground hominy without the germ?

Ground hominy without the germ is called "grits" and it is delicious.