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Q: What do you call organisms that get it energy straight from the sun?
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What do you call organisms that makes their own food using sun's energy?


Where do organisms that photosynthesize get their energy?

Organisms that photosythesize get their energy from the sun

The primary source of energy for living organisms?

the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms is the sun

How do organisms get energy from?


Do all organisms get there energy from the sun?

not really all. but they indirectly get their energy from the sun

What is the original source of energy for the organisms?

The Sun.

What are organisms that are able to convert the sun's energy into usable energy?


Which organisms convert the sun energy into carbohydrates?

Photosynthetic organisms (mainly plants)

How much of the energy provided by the sun and captured by other organisms is used by humans?

40 % of the energy provided by the sun and captured by other organisms is used by humans.

Do organisms obtain energy from photosynthesis?

Yes, photosynthesis is what converts the light energy from the sun into the usable chemical energy that organisms use.

How organism produce energy?

No organisms produce "their own energy". Energy that is converted into food (sugar) is either taken from the sun or from other organisms. I think you're hinting at autotrophic plants that "produce their own energy", though they are not producing it-- they transform the light and heat from the sun into useful energy through photosynthesis.

Three ways for organisms to get energy?

chemical energy, mechanical energy, and electrical energy