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epicentre :)

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Q: What do you call the area directly above the focus of an earthquake?
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What between the focus and the epicentre of an earthquake?

The focus of an earthquake is the location within the lithosphere where seismic energy is released when slippage first occurs along a fault line. The epicenter is the location on Earth's surface directly above the focus.

What is the location on the earth and surface directly above the point where an earthquake begins?

The term that describes the point on the Earth's surface above the area where an earthquake originates is it's epicenter.

What is the area of the earth's surface that is directly above the origin of an earthquake?

The epicentre

What area of the Earth's surface that is directly above the origin of the of an earthquake?

The epicentre

Where is this earthquake's epicenter?

the epicenter is the area directly over the focus which is jus a fancy name for where the earthquake actually happened the epicenter is on the surface of the earth, no matter how far the focus is down in the ground

Is the epicenter of an earthquake the same as the focus?

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Where does the point in the earths interior where the energy of an earthquake occurs?

The point underground where the energy is released (causing the earthquake) is the focus point. This area is the actual origin of the earthquake. It should not be confused with the epicenter, which is the point above ground where the earthquake originates.

What is the difference between a hot spot and a focus?

The focus is a feature of an earthquake; it is the point underground where the earthquake originates, directly beneath the epicenter. A hot spot is an area away from a plate boundary that produces volcanic activity, most likely due to a rising plume of extra hot material in the mantle.

What does hypocenter mean?

Also known as the 'focus', it is the area underground where an earthquake originates.

Which term describes the point on the earth's surface above the area where an earthquake originates?

The term that describes the point on the Earth's surface above the area where an earthquake originates is it's epicenter.

Which term describes the point on the earth's surface above the area where an earthquake originates?

The term that describes the point on the Earth's surface above the area where an earthquake originates is it's epicenter.

Which term describes the point on the earth surface above the area where an earthquake originated?

The term that describes the point on the Earth's surface above the area where an earthquake originates is it's epicenter.