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Homophobia means fear of gays.

It also means hatred of gays or disgust for homosexuality.


'Phobia' means 'fear of', not 'hatred' or 'disgust' of.

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6y ago


It's a very bad thing. It's more of a hatred than a fear. It's insulting, oppressive, bigoted, and it's silly to worry about because gay people won't bother you any more than heterosexual people.

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11y ago

Yes, some do. It is even possible for gay people to direct homophobia towards themselves and others. They are people like everyone else and subject to the same vulnerabilities and fears.

A related theory is that there are two types of gayness, primary and secondary. Primary homosexuality is known from early in life and is hard to hide, and their behavior is often modeled after the other-sex parent. These are the folks who face the most homophobia, often from the other category of gay people.

Secondary or latent homosexuality is when someone doesn't discover their gayness to much later in life. They may have a hypermasculine attitude and try their best to fit in. They may model their behavior after the same-sex parent. Until they discover or acknowledge their gayness, they may try to fit in as straight, even to the detriment of not only themselves, but other gay folks. The most troubling are the self-proclaimed "straight men" who sexually assault others to punish them for being gay. That used to be quite common before gayness was accepted as it is now. So that is why it is important for people to at least acknowledge their gayness as soon as possible, even if they never act upon it.

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6y ago

Yes, absolutely. Not all gay people have contact with other gay people. If you're not familiar with a culture, you may develop preconceived notions about it.

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6y ago

The word is homophobe, which is also used for people who express hatred of gay people or desire their rights to be limited/removed.

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How can gay be abolish?

being gay cannot be abolished. People are just born that way. What you can abolish is hatred and fear of gay people.

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The single best way to overcome a fear of gay people is to spend some time with a gay person and get to know them. You will very quickly find out that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in the first place.

What does it mean if people call you gay?

Generally, if someone calls you gay, and your not gay, they are attempting to insult you because they think that being gay is in insult. These people are homophobes, and usually fear or hate gay people out of ignorance or religious bigotry.

Can gay people be scared of other gay people?

Yes, of course. Gay people are regular people and have all the same hopes and fears as everyone else. They don't fear another gay person because that person is gay, they would fear the person because that person is a scary person. Mean, evil, and scary people aren't all straight; every demographic of humans has some scary people in their number.

What phobia is the fear of homosexuality?

Homophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of homosexuality or becoming gay; however, the term is used more often to refer to bigotry against gay people.

Why are gay people treated so bad in Russia?

Because Russia has a culture and legal system that hates gay people. This hatred mainly stems from fear.

What is discrimination against gay people called?

Discrimination is discrimination in any form.

What do people think that it is wrong to be gay or lesbian?

Most hate toward gay people is religion-based hatred and fear. There is also some self-hatred involved.

Why are gay people outcasts?

Anyone, gay or straight, becomes an outcast out of fear from (usually) the majority. Not just fear, religious belief and doctrines, boredom through over emphasis, bias and skewing of employment and social laws.

If the name of fear people have for gay people is homophobia what is the name of fear gay people have for homophobics?

There is no name. Although homophobia seems more a hatred than a fear, gay people are rightly apprehensive of irrational hostility from alcohol fuelled thugs. Take care and be careful where you go. There is no term as of right now, because no one has made a word for them yet. Usually the idea of ignorant and irrational fear/hatred is a label homosexuals put on "homophobes". "Homophobes" will tend to condemn homosexuality as sin rather than accuse irrational fear.

Is gay lesbian gross?

No. They are just people trying to live their lives amid prejudice and fear.

What do you call someone who hates gay people?

Generally, they would be called a homophobe/homophobic.